Found 304 experts

Kevin Linderman

Carlson School of Management

Curtis L. Carlson Professor in Supply Chain and Operations at Carlson School of Management

Ted Stank

Haslam College of Business

Harry J. & Vivienne R. Bruce Chair of Excellence, Professor at Haslam College of Business

Scott Carson

Smith School of Business

Professor Emeritus at Smith School of Business

Michael Stein

Harvard Kennedy School

Visiting Professor of Law, HLS at Harvard Kennedy School

Dawn DeTienne

Colorado State University

Professor, Management, Academic Department at Colorado State University

Diane Mollenkopf

Haslam College of Business

McCormick Professor in Logistics, Associate Professor at Haslam College of Business

Jim Dyer

McCombs School of Business

Professor at McCombs School of Business

Roger Ibbotson

Yale School of Management

Professor in the Practice Emeritus of Finance at Yale School of Management

Nadine Sarter

The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Professor, Industrial & Operations Engineering, College of Engineering at The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Anthony (Tony) Rucci

Fisher College of Business

Clinical Professor at Fisher College of Business