Found 405 experts

David Sherwyn


School of Hotel Administration

GBTA Academy

Professor at School of Hotel Administration

Jason Siegel

The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Assistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering at The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design

Maria Figueroa

ILR School

CBS Executive

Director, Labor and Policy Research at ILR School

Assistant professor, at CBS Executive

Jan Van Mieghem

Kellogg School of Management

A. C. Buehler Professor Professor of Operations at Kellogg School of Management

Geoffrey Garrett

USC Marshall School of Business

The Wharton School

Dean, The Wharton School at The Wharton School

Dean; Robert R. Dockson Dean’s Chair in Business Administration & Professor of Management and Organization at USC Marshall School of Business

Ariel Avgar

Cornell CALS

ILR School


Associate Professor at ILR School

Marcelo Bucheli

The Wharton School

Associate Professsor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / Visiting Lecturer at The Wharton School

Michael Goldstein

Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Donald P. Babson Professor of Applied Investments. Faculty Director, Master of Science in Finance Program at Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Mark Kleiman

Luskin School of Public Affairs

Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Affiliated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Public Policy, NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management at Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Professor Emeritus of Public Policy at Luskin School of Public Affairs

Victor Cabrera

Cornell CALS

Professor at UW-Madison at Cornell CALS