Found 999+ experts

Scott L Newbert

Zicklin School of Business

Professor and Chair at Zicklin School of Business

Susan Taylor

The Robert H. Smith School of Business

Eero Vaara

EMLYON Business School

IE Business School

Aalto University School of Business

Said Business School

Professor at EMLYON Business School

Professor of Organization and Management at IE Business School

Professor at Said Business School

Nanna Mik-Meyer

CBS Executive

Professor with special responsibilities, ph.d at CBS Executive

Arlen Langvardt

Kelley School of Business

Associate Dean of AcademicsChair, Department of Business Law and EthicsProfessor of Business LawGraf Family Professor at Kelley School of Business

Aubrey Plourde

Assistant Professor of English at the University of Lynchburg

Christopher Geczy

Center for High Impact Philanthropy

The Wharton School

Adjunct Professor of Finance at The Wharton School

Academic Director, Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research at The Wharton School at Center for High Impact Philanthropy

Joseph Priester

USC Marshall School of Business

Associate Professor of Marketing at USC Marshall School of Business

Jiing Lih Farh


Distinguished Chair Professor of Management ABN AMRO Chair in Management, CEIBS at CEIBS

Clifford Richardson

Alliance Manchester Business School

Senior Lecturer in Nursing at Alliance Manchester Business School