Found 643 experts

Frank Lichtenberg

Columbia Business School

Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business at Columbia Business School

Kari Lilja

Aalto University School of Business

Professor (emeritus), Organisation and management at Aalto University School of Business

Karin Thorburn

The Wharton School

Haas School of Business

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Visiting Professor at Haas School of Business

Visiting Professor of Finance; Lindenauer Research Associate, Lindenauer Center for Corporate Governance; Research Chair Professor of Finance at the Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Adjunct Full Professor of Finance at The Wharton School

Kumar Rajaram

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Professor of Decisions, Operations and Technology Management; William E. Leonhard Chair in Management at Anderson School of Management

Mark McClellan

Fuqua School of Business

Professor of Practice at Fuqua School of Business

Robert Pollak

Olin Business School

Archon Fung

Harvard Kennedy School

Academic Dean. Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government at Harvard Kennedy School

Thomas Kane

Harvard Kennedy School

Walter H. Gale Professor of Education, HGSE at Harvard Kennedy School

Christer Karlsson

CBS Executive

Stockholm School of Economics

Professor Emeritus at Stockholm School of Economics

Professor, ph.d at CBS Executive