Found 713 experts

Cristiano Guarana

Kelley School of Business

Assistant Professor at Kelley School of Business

Pascalis Raimondos

CBS Executive

Professor, Ph.D from University of Essex 1991 at CBS Executive

Gregory Hammer

Harvard Medical School

Professor of Pediatrics (Intensive Care) and Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr.

Darden School of Business

Eleanor F. and Phillip G. Rust Associate Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Charles Hill

Foster School of Business

Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Professor of Management and Organization at Foster School of Business

Adjunct Lecturer at Babson Olin Graduate School of Business

Suresh Sundaresan

Columbia Business School

Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation Professor of Financial Institutions at Columbia Business School

Pulak Ghosh

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Professor at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

William Glick

Jones Graduate School of Business

H. Joe Nelson III Professor of Management - Organizational Behavior at Jones Graduate School of Business

Joseph Broschak

Eller Executive Education

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations, McClelland Fellow, Associate Professor (by Courtesy), School of Sociology at Eller Executive Education

Joe Broschak

Eller Executive Education

Associate Professor of Management and Organizations, McClelland Fellow, Associate Professor (by Courtesy), School of Sociology at Eller Executive Education