Found 999+ experts

Swati Thampan

UCL School of Management

MRes Student at UCL School of Management

Ulrich Haltern

Executive School of Management, Technology and Law

Joachim Geske

Imperial College London

Research Associate at Imperial College Business School

Ann Whittle

Alliance Manchester Business School

Lecturer in Philosophy at Alliance Manchester Business School

Garnette Cadogan

MIT School of Architecture and Planning

Lecturer in Urbanism at MIT School of Architecture and Planning

Craig Condella


Professor at Salve Regina University at -

Alicia Cusan

Sciences Po

Teaching Assistant Professor at Sciences Po

Stella Ho

Haas School of Business

Research Assistant for Professor Jennifer Chatman at Haas School of Business

John Peloza


Associate Dean for Research at University of Kentucky at -

Art Mansky

Villanova University

Adjunct Faculty at Villanova University