Found 755 experts

Mark Haskins

Darden School of Business

Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Anil Kashyap

Booth School of Business

Edward Eagle Brown Professor of Economics and Finance at Booth School of Business

Teck Hua Ho

National University of Singapore

Senior Deputy President & Provost / Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at National University of Singapore

Bernard Yeung

National University of Singapore

Dean Stephen Riady Distinguished Professor at National University of Singapore

Dariush Mozaffarian

Harvard Medical School

Jean Mayer Professor of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School

Charles Leiserson

MIT Professional Education

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT Professional Education

Vladas Griskevicius

Carlson School of Management

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program / Professor of Marketing at Carlson School of Management

Pamela Tolbert

ILR School

and Professor of Organizational Behavior at ILR School

Jennifer Karas Montez

Syracuse University

McCombs School of Business

Professor, Sociology at Syracuse University

Vanessa Bohns

ILR School

Department of Organizational Behavior at ILR School