Found 999+ experts

Paul Marshall

Harvard Business School

Professor of Management at Harvard Business School

Amrou Awaysheh

Kelley School of Business

Assistant Professor of Operations ManagementDirector, Global Supply Chain Enterprise, (gSCIE) at Kelley School of Business

Dick Larson

MIT Professional Education

Mitsui Professor, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. at MIT Professional Education

Mahendra Gupta

Olin Business School

Geraldine J. and Robert L. Virgil Professor of Accounting and Management at Olin Business School

Raj Rakhra

Foster School of Business

Lecturer of Management at Foster School of Business

John Mamer

UCLA Anderson School of Management

Eric Allen Sader

Kelley School of Business

Mark Spurling

UCONN - University of Connecticut

Assistant Professor at UCONN - University of Connecticut

Jill VonOsten

University of New Mexico

Management Consultant, Trainer and Project Manager at University of New Mexico

Yihyun Lim

MIT Professional Education

Director at MIT Design Lab at MIT Professional Education