Found 500 experts

Emilie Foyer

Assistant Language Teacher

David Weiden

Silicon Valley Innovation Center

Douglas Nielson

The Scheller College of Business

Bianca Berning

Future London Academy

Creative Director at Future London Academy

Emma Gaudry

THNK School of Creative Leadership

Miquel Montañá Mora

ESADE Business School

Lecturer, Department of Law in ESADE, Contracted Doctoral Professor at ESADE Business School

Iñigo Rodriguez-Sastre

IE Business School

Professor of Procedural Law and International Arbitration at IE Business School

David Llorente

IE Business School

Teacher at IE Business School

Shivani Tanna

Imperial College London

Faculty Development Lead/Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London

Dmitry Troyanovsky

Barbara Sherman '54 and Malcolm L Sherman Associate Professor of Theater Arts at Brandeis University