Found 999+ experts

Daniel Fiorino

American University School of Public Affairs

Distinguished Executive in Residence at American University School of Public Affairs

Miguel Centeno

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Musgrave Professor of Sociology; Professor of Sociology and International Affairs; Chair, Department of Sociology at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Andre J.L. Koo Professor of Management, Chair, Management and Organizations Department at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Kenneth Prewitt

School of International and Public Affairs

Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Special Advisor to the President at School of International and Public Affairs

Christopher Bauman

Merage School of Business

Associate Professor & Faculty Director of the Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship program at Merage School of Business

David M Reeb

NUS Institute of Systems Science

Mr & Mrs Lin Jo Yan Professor in Banking and Finance, Professor at NUS Institute of Systems Science

John C. Austin

Brookings Institution

Nonresident Senior Fellow - Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings Institution

Richard Evans

Darden School of Business


Associate Professor of Business Administration at Darden School of Business

Balazs Kovacs

Yale School of Management

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Yale School of Management

Matt Marx


Professor of Management & Organizations at Cornell University at -