Found 999+ experts

Margie Rosenberg

Wisconsin School of Business

Professor - Risk and Insurance. Assurant Health Professor in Actuarial Science at Wisconsin School of Business

David Cooper

Alberta School of Business

Part time Professor of Accounting at University of Edinburgh Business School at Alberta School of Business

Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen

CBS Executive

Professor, PhD at CBS Executive

Olivia Mitchell

The Wharton School

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Professor at The Wharton School

Mark Mizruchi

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Professor of Management and Organizations. Professor of Sociology at Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Sanat Sarkar

Fox School of Business

Chair and Cyrus H. K. Curtis Professor at Fox School of Business

James Smith

Cox School of Business

Kelley School of Business

Professor of FinanceCary Maguire Chair of Oil and Gas Management (Retired) at Cox School of Business

Senior Lecturer Emeritus at Kelley School of Business

Alan Krueger

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Bendheim Professor of Economics and Public Policy; Director, Survey Research Center (SRC) at Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Jennifer Chatman

Haas School of Business

Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management at Haas School of Business