Found 999+ experts

Jenny Chu

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

University Lecturer in Accounting at Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education

Sophie Manigart

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Professor Of Corporate Finance at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Regine Slagmulder

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Full Professor Of Accounting And Control at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Bart Leten


Professor Innovation Management at University of Hasselt/Professor Innovation Management at KU Leuven at -

Miguel Meuleman

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Professor Of Entrepreneurship at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Veroniek Collewaert

Imperial College London

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Associate Professor at Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Hans Crijns

Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Professor Of Management Practice In Entrepreneurship at Vlerick Business School Executive Education