Found 999+ experts

Vrizlynn Thing

National University of Singapore

Adjunct Associate Professor at National University of Singapore

Ho Yee Tiong

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor, Department of Surgery at National University of Singapore

Hanry Yu

Professor, Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore

Adrian Michael Lee

National University of Singapore

Associate Professor at National University of Singapore

Ian Fenwick

Visiting Professor

Huang Dejian

National University of Singapore

Professor, Department of Food Science & Technology at National University of Singapore

Fernando Olivera

Ivey Business School

Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour at Ivey Business School

Julian Villanueva

IESE Business School

Professor of Marketing at IESE Business School

Yonghoon Lee

HKUST Business School

Assistant Professor at HKUST Business School

Gregory Jackson

Professor of Comparative Management at Loughborough University London