Found 999+ experts

Timothy Loughran

Mendoza College of Business

C.R. Smith Professor of Finance at Mendoza College of Business

Alix Barasch

INSEAD Business School

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Associate Professor of Marketing at Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing at INSEAD Business School

Timon Beyes

CBS Executive

Professor, at CBS Executive

Steve Carvell

School of Hotel Administration

Professor at School of Hotel Administration

Mark Zbaracki

Ivey Business School

Associate Professor, General Management & Strategy at Ivey Business School

Leonard Schlesinger

Harvard Business School

Baker Foundation Professor/Chair Practice faculty at Harvard Business School

Christopher Mayer

Columbia Business School

Paul Milstein Professor of Real Estate at Columbia Business School

Craig Smith

INSEAD Business School

Affiliate Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility. The INSEAD Chaired Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility at INSEAD Business School

Daniel Thornton

Smith School of Business

Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Smith School of Business