Found 999+ experts

Alvin Leung

CityU College of Business

Associate Professor at CityU College of Business

Xitong Li

HEC Paris

Associate Professor at HEC Paris

Daniel Quan

School of Hotel Administration

Professor at School of Hotel Administration

Davide Proserpio

USC Marshall School of Business

Assistant Professor of Marketing at USC Marshall School of Business

Christopher Tonetti

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Associate Professor of Economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Alexandra Carides

Fox School of Business

Assistant Professor at Fox School of Business

Alan Wan

CityU College of Business

Head (MS) Professor at CityU College of Business

Joseph Milner

Rotman School of Management

Professor of Operations Management and Statistics at Rotman School of Management

Peter Wysocki

Boston University

PROFESSOR, ACCOUNTING at Boston University

Peng Huang

The Robert H. Smith School of Business